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Monday, July 11, 2011
A domestic assault over the weekend uncovered what Summerville police say was once an operational meth lab. Two people have been arrested.
The investigation began when officers were notified that a woman was allegedly assaulted by 37-year-old James Milton Ramsey Jr. early Saturday morning. Police were also alerted that there may have been a meth lab at the incident location.
The woman, 41-year-old Mary Jean Tomey Jarade, told police that she was living with the suspect at 102 Jennings Drive in the Meadow Run subdivision, She said that they got into an argument around 2 a.m. because he was being too loud while her grandson was trying to sleep.
Jarade told investigators that after confronting Ramsey about the noise, he cursed at her and started blaring the radio. She then grabbed the speaker wires out of the speaker and tried to walk away, but he grabbed her and pulled her onto the bed, she said.
After a struggle, Jarade managed to get loose, but she said Ramsey then grabbed her left wrist and started to twist it. After pleading for him to let go and telling him he was going to break her wrist, he allegedly let go and pushed her away.
The next day, Jarade went to a health center for treatment. She suffered muscle and cartilage damage in her wrist and a bruised nose.
After speaking with Jarade about the alleged assault, police officers went to the residence to investigate the possible meth lab. Jarade told police that the meth lab was no longer there, but Ramsey has been cooking meth in the master bedroom and had a lab set up in the room. According to the police report, she offered to show investigators the lab.
As one officer entered the bedroom, he described a distinct smell that caused a burning sensation in the back of his throat, a police report states. Jarade then showed police a glass dish and several propane bottles under the bathroom sink. She told authorities that she took the chemicals, bottles and plastic tubing from the lab and put them inside a camper in the back yard so that when her grandson was over he would not be exposed.
After narcotics officers investigated the scene, Jarade was taken into custody and placed under arrest. Ramsey was also arrested.
This is the fourth meth lab bust in the last 30 days in the Summerville area.
Source: http://www.live5news.com/story/15059482/cops-domestic-assault-leads-to-meth-lab-bust If you, or someone you know, have any information regarding any crime, you are encouraged to contact Crime Stoppers. You could earn a reward up to $1,000.Anonymous tips can be submitted to Crime Stoppers at 554-1111, toll free at 1-888-CRIME-SC, or online at www.5541111.com. Texters can send anonymous tips to CRIMES (274637), and mark the beginning of the message with "TIPCSL". Text STOP to 274637 to cancel. Text HELP to 274637 for help. Msg&Data Rates May Apply.